Use "flock and herds|flock and herd" in a sentence

1. And over the young of the flock and the herd.

2. 14 Butter of the herd and milk of the flock,

3. A herd of wildebeests, a shoal of fish, a flock of birds.

4. Protecting the Flock

5. A flock of mercenaries.

6. The shepherd tended a flock.

7. The sacrificial animal was from the herd or the flock, that is to say of the clean animals, and was “sound,” without defect.

8. Hand-operated printing, screen printing, flock coating and flock printing machines, carousel machines, gluing machines, pre-cleaning machines, effects apparatus for creating surface effects on flock by means of embossing or compressed air

9. “Strike the shepherd,+ and let the flock* be scattered;+

10. He lived to shepherd the flock!

11. Your new flock is women, children and old folk.

12. □ Why did crowds flock to Jesus?

13. He keeps a flock of sheep.

14. A flock of crows wheeled overhead.

15. Eating the rams of the flock and the fattened calves;*+

16. A person who guides and protects a flock of sheep.

17. For example, God would accept an offering of turtledoves if the person could not afford an offering from the flock or the herd.

18. Anabolite®-P foster flock uniformity

19. Jesus called them a “little flock.”

20. They raised a flock of sheep.

21. A flock of geese flew overhead.

22. 10 . Celebrity chefs flock to Hong Kong

23. He called this group the “little flock.”

24. 16 The elders shepherd the flock “eagerly.”

25. Birds of a feather flock together. 

26. Chickens are gregarious birds and live together as a flock

27. A flock of birds comes over, and the hunting starts.

28. In the summer, tourists flock to the museums and art galleries.

29. Each grazing the flock in his care.

30. 49 Birds of a feather flock together.

31. Lovers of surfing, sailing and scuba diving flock to the ocean.

32. They kept a small flock of sheep.

33. Chickadees are social birds that flock to feeders

34. Christian elders serve as examples for the flock

35. Why did lovers of truth flock to Jesus?

36. Wallow about, you majestic ones of the flock,

37. Lambs without a shepherd, shepherd without a flock.

38. Eagles fly alone, but sheep flock together. 

39. How to Raise Chickens: Flock Size, Spacing, and Start-Up Cost

40. The shepherd re-collected his flock and went down the hillside.

41. And Abraham set seven ewe lambs of the flock by themselves.

42. “Shepherd the flock meant for the slaughter” (4)

43. A flock of geese perked down the roadway.

44. Republic in Sunshine as high as about bird flock

45. Republic in sunshine soaring as high as bird flock

46. Every summer thousands of people flock to the countryside.

47. The priest warned his flock against breaking God's law.

48. Abraham set apart seven ewe lambs from the flock.

49. Because of their negligence, the flock had been scattered.

50. 7 A flock of wild geese flew overhead.

51. (b) When did the selecting of the “little flock” begin, and by whom?

52. The expression is here used figuratively and denotes the best of the flock.

53. A flock of lowly sheep... who cringe and dare not raise their heads.

54. And the moral of that is -- " Birds of a feather flock together. "'

55. 5 The shepherd re-collected his flock and went down the hillside.

56. The small flock completed their meeting in peace.1

57. I am a flamingo in a flock of pigeons.

58. There is a black sheep in every flock. 

59. A noisy flock of tourists came into the building.

60. Birds of a feather flock together. ---- M. T . Cicer.

61. As they say birds of a feather flock together.

62. Cain presented fruits of the ground, and Abel offered firstlings of his flock.

63. The emblem of a shepherd's watchfulness over his flock , and denotes episcopal jurisdiction and authority.

64. 2 Jesus was speaking to his disciples, and he called them a “little flock.”

65. Under pressure he turned apostate, and most of the flock also folded under persecution.

66. There was a flock of gulls now, wheeling and mewing just below the bridge.

67. In the summer,(sentence dictionary) tourists flock to the museums and art galleries.

68. A Bellwether is the leader of a flock of sheep

69. Today, people flock to zoos to see these fascinating cats.

70. Nidorians who have suffered in the troubles flock to them.

71. What glorious vision of the little flock did John see?

72. It looks like a flock of birds skimming the waves.

73. □ How do elders fulfill their responsibility to readjust the flock?

74. □ How can elders avoid compromising situations when shepherding the flock?

75. A sheep dog drives the flock to the pasture.

76. We saw a flock of geese in the lake.

77. Dahlia: Lambs without a shepherd, shepherd without a flock.

78. A flock of sheep are ranging over the grassland.

79. Byre Sheep eating grass and hay with the flock on a local, domestic farm

80. Finally all the flock formed a circle, gambolling round him.”